Who are we?

Madre Ayahusca is located 35 minutes from the Pucallpa, Peru airport, in a rural area of ​​the city of Pucallpa. MADRE AYAHUSCA’s amenities are simple and not extravagant, yet we provide guests with everything they need in our natural, camp-like space to manifest their souls’ intentions. All rooms come with bed, mattress, sheets, pillow, bookshelf, candles, insect repellent incense and mosquito nets. Come and stay at Madre Ayahuasca and join a traditional yet innovative healing community. Tambo for patients who want to explore a silent retreat to deepen their process.


In 2023, Master Domingo Torino officially founded his healing and teaching center MADRE AYAHUSCA and began to realize his vision of a healing space in a rural area of ​​the city of Pucallpa.
 In MADRE AYAHUSCA, Maestro Torino brings a holistic and uncompromising approach to the traditional Shipibo form of plant medicine that he began learning over 18 years ago, a tradition that sees Ayahuasca as one of many master plants. Her vast knowledge of plants and plant treatments provides guests with powerful diagnostics, purgatives, and ultimately helps us connect more deeply with the healing power within ourselves and around us. This form of Shipibo plant medicine has been practiced for thousands of years, and at MADRE AYAHUSCA, guests immerse themselves in the complete healing system under the care and guidance of Maestro Torino.
MADRE AYAHUSCA is proud to be one of the Ayahuasca based centers in Pucallpa wholly owned and operated by an indigenous shaman.


Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.